Auto process is an automation program that will automatically detect trials captured by E-Z 3D and process them using KinaTrax CLI, and Auto3D.
Auto Process is a self-contained executable that does not require installation. It is recommend that you place the Auto Process folder in a safe location then create a shortcut on your desktop for ease of use.
Just click on the shortcut you created or the .exe file. Auto process should load, and you will see the main user interface.
There are 7 top level settings that need to be set before operation will be permitted. The following settings are:
Scan Target Location
This would be the folder path were the E-Z 3D trial data will be put during trial capture.
CLI Location
This is the file path of the KinaTrax CLI.
Calibration File Location
This is the file path of the site specific calibration file.
Dropbox Location
This is an optional folder path to have the analyzed trial files moved to.
Auto3D Script Location
This is an optional file path to the Auto3D script to run on the analyzed trial files.
Process Limit
This is the max number of trials Auto Process will process in a single run.
Auto Process will wait this number of seconds between processing trials.
Auto Process can run KinaTrax CLI in two modes, Forked, or Inline. The default is in forked mode, which allows Auto Process to be responsive and display a processing indicator while KinaTrax CLI is running. Inline mode runs the CLI in the same process as Auto Process which will block Auto Process from handling user input or won't respond until the KinaTrax CLI has completed. Generally, inline mode (Blocking process enabled) should only be used for debugging. When using inline mode, Auto Process is able to capture the output from the KinaTrax CLI and write the information to a log file. This helps determine configuration errors, and other issues that may arise during operation.
Each site will have Specific parameters that must be set to get the best out of KinaTrax CLI. These settings are accessed through the gear icon next to the CLI Location
input field.
You click on the gear to display the settings pane.
These settings should be provided to you by the KinaTrax team. If not, coordinate with your rep to obtain the required information.
Most settings should adhere to the ones provided, with the exception of Overlay Frame Rate, and Low Pass Filter settings. The Overlay Frame Rate will allow you to tune the speed of the output overlay video, which in most cases allows you to “slow mo” video during processing. The low pass filter settings can be tuned for the environment especially low light to clean up the output image a bit. This will require playing around with the settings to find what works best.
Click button to restore all elements to their default values and save them. This excludes Person Detection, person detection Model File, and Landmark Detection Model File.
Auto Process keeps track of all the trials it has processed, and allows the users to reprocess trials that may have failed for what ever reason. To access this list, click the running man's head to display a hidden list view.
From here you can click on a trial to inspect its data, and display a button to mark the trial for reprocessing.
Auto Process should immediately begin processing the file if it is not already busy on another one.
To view the list and create mappings click on a hidden button on the running man's right hand.
This button will open a list of all activity mappings and a button to create a new mapping.
To add a Mapping click add mapping.
The second input box is where you put the name you want to match. The third input box is the name you want to change all of the matched entries to. For example if you want to change all Dual-PlateDropJump items to use the name DropJump you would enter as seen below.
If you want to edit an existing mapping you can click it in the Mappings menu.
For an example we will click RunProtocol, which ill bring up the Mapping Info menu
From here we can edit RunProtocol to change to Running. After this change we can save by clicking the save button. We can also delete to mapping bu pressing the delete button.
Click the question mark on the lower right of the main menu and your default browser will open the most up to date version of the Auto Process documentation.
Are you having issues with Auto Process? Please reach out to your Rep for support.